
Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Painted cardboard banner

Abbi and I made this cardboard banner a few weekends ago I had a massive cardboard box that was begging to be recycled.  With Jamie's year 6 party looming, I thought we could turn it into a decoration.

Abbi and I were home alone for the weekend. It was the perfect task for girlie making and bonding.

First we made an approximate shape on a piece of A4 paper for the ribbon.

We wanted it to look a little 3Dish...I drew a large parallelogram, with two squinty parallelograms off to the side in pencil - then put a bit of swag over the shapes in pen to get the rough 2D shape we wanted.

Then we approximated these on our large bit of cardboard. (You can see from my pen marks I took a few attempts to get it right).  We just taped down the hole where the handle was.

Stick the three pieces together (We used double sided sticky tape).

And paint the whole thing in one colour.  We used leftover house paint.

For the writing, we chose the fonts we wanted, and printed to size.  Then we pressed down on the cardboard to give an indent outline that we could paint round.
Then we just "coloured in"!

We didn't put any curve in my lines, so they don't flow particularly well (you can see quite a big gap between the G&R)...if you are more fussy than me, you could rough cut the shapes out, and place in a curve.

I didn't take any photos of this stage, but to make it 3D, paint a darker colour on the underside of where the ribbons would be.

On the final version, we also added some fluoro round stickers randomly. It took Abbi and I around an hour to do.  We used this as the entrance banner for Jamies school leavers party.

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