
Sunday, 30 December 2012

Chalk Marker Christmas Decorations For Windows and Mirrors

At the back of our house, we have glass windows (and no curtains) that are crying out for a little christmas juujing up.  These chalk marker christmas decorations are the perfect solution.

I am well know in my family for my loooooove of chalk markers.  There are not many surfaces immune to my scribbling  creatively identifying the contents of a box or jar, with a trusty posca pen. I have them in many colours.

I drew some simple swags and garlands, with hanging decorations.  The kids filled in the blanks.

Once again....the state of my windows (and photography skills) not really standing up to scrutiny, but you get the jist.

I use these windows all the time to write seasonal messages, birthday greetings, or for decorations.
We used then as a menu and recipes for a cocktail party once.

The mirror in the front room also got "The Treament"

(This was going to be the lyrics from "Fairy Tale of New York" by the Pogues, the all time best christmas song.....but not sure I wanted to answer awkward questions from the kids about the lyrics)

As it is, they keep telling me that the words are the wrong way round, and the fa la las should be second).

.....I've also just noticed that Abbi has snuck a purple christmas tree onto the mantle.....

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