
Saturday, 15 December 2012

How To Make Easy Snowman Cakes

These Easy Snowman Cakes are never going to win any beauty contests, but they were so easy for my daughter and her friends to make and decorate.

For the body, we used:
Cake mould,
Standard batch of vanilla cake mix  (we use Annabel Karmels easy cupcake recipe)

To decorate, we used:
Icing sugar and water to ice;
White marshmallows;
Rolos for the hat (and a couple of minstrels when we ran out);
Strawberry laces for the scarf;
Orange tic tacs for the nose;
Black icing for eyes, buttons and mouth.

To make the bodies, we used this silicone muffin mould  (that Abbi and I found in Ikea)

First we made a batch of vanilla cake mix, and put them in the mould.  Stupidly, I didnt put any grease or spray in side, so they all stuck a bit coming out.

(These will be snowmen that have been round the block a little !...the hobo of snowmen)

Once cooled, we are ready to decorate!

My kids dont like buttercream  (except when made by my friend Erin), so we used icing sugar with a few drops of water, and drizzled this over the cake.

The icing needs to be runny enough to move, but thick enough to stick to the cake.

Yikes.  These photos are not the best, but you get the idea.

Add the decorations......

And voila....some slightly wonky snowmen.

Admiring our handiwork....before scoffing the lot.

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